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  • Writer's pictureTerry R

Herbs and Spiritualism

The modern world around us is no longer circling around new inventions in agriculture or heavy industry. Today belongs to people and services. Everything must go hand in hand with comfort as nowadays hardly anybody is willing to really work hard and suffer either mental health damage or physical one. Believing that this is nothing new, we are simply more self-centred. In fact, being egocentric is not always bad.

To be honest, meditation or other self-motivating practices are oriented on yourself only.

In this article, I would like to describe another individual enrichment - spiritualism, energy awareness and at last modern witchcraft.

It has been two years since I've studied Tarot cards and was generally interested in Magic or modern herbal witchcraft. At first, I know this may sound a bit odd to some of you due to exaggeration of the term witchcraft which you might have come across at some point in your life.

Therefore, please let me tell you that my interest is these alternative spiritual activities is well-meaning. There is no way I would attempt to use negative energy/thoughts against anybody even though sometimes it is hard to keep your anger down. Nonetheless, let me phrase this wise statement "Do good and good will come to you." Also, it is rather important to remember that you should never do anything either energy or spirit related if you are occupied with a jigsaw puzzle of bad thoughts. This way you prevent potential failure as well as drawing unpleasant vibes to yourself.

In this manner, I am open-minded to natural treatments such as mental health supporting herbal teas or pain diminishing ointments. However not every product or technique works for everyone owing to variable ingredients lists. In addition to this, you can never go wrong with a little belief in actual healing.

The second thing that caught my eye some months ago is sigil making. At the beginning, I wasn't truly sure whether it is a good idea because of what I read online. After this period of decision making, I actually found myself trying it. Speaking as a newbie, it is not as hard as reading from cards but you have to be very concentrated whilst doing it.

As some friends of mine already know, I love nature and having no contact with it would make me depressed or worse. Once my applied to university in the UK was sent and offer letters successfully delivered an immediate thought of anxiety struck me like a truck moving at speed. Not that nature in the UK would be less beautiful but still, it is different. Moreover, campuses of my preferred universities are mostly situated in industrial cities instead of the countryside.

Yet, my wish is to maintain my surrounding atmosphere by all means. The possibilities to make this happen are endless starting from natural object picking such as stones, leaves, branches to artificial light bulb terrariums.

Which brings me to a different area of shopping and room decoration. (I definitely will write about that someday)

To sum up this part, I will try to stay in connection with nature because it not only brings joy into my life but keeps me surrounded by good energy as well.

As for tarot cards, it has been a while since I made some predictions of future based on interpretation of cards. Still, I believe it is interesting, in some cases even calming. Despite devoted scientists who claim that this is just a mere trick used by perfect impostors, there is something which makes me think otherwise.

There were times when cards were absolutely right about certain situations in either my life or life of my friends. Simply, don't underestimate this perception of things or the world in general.

Beyond my previous interest in tarot and herbs, I also believe that nature can sense if you are treating it badly. To put this in other words, why nature couldn't be reflecting your care and positive energy? This fact makes me also very ecologically-aware.

In the end, I would say that none of you should be judging a person who is interested in "witchcraft" based on his personal imagination of dark worshipping evil witch that came from a tv show he/she watched. What an awful stereotype. Energies, Spiritualism or interest in witchcraft can be good. :) So don't you dare to look at this particular hobby or life approach just from one side.

Have a lovely day!


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